Tuesday 18 November 2008

Christmas Rambling

Hi all, It has been a while since i last updated on my comings and goings, Well things have been hectic to say the least. I have been organising a parenting programme, i have a new one that starts this week. Hopefully all will go well.

The kids have also been busy, my son who has been doing cross country for the school has got into the finals, which happens today if he gets a good position in this he will be put forward to the championship and run for Bristol and Avon. He is still driving me nut's with his being late and lately he has been losing things.

My eldest girl has recently taken up netball and has a competition tomorrow, so good luck to her too. My two other girls are doing well, with new arts and craft arriving on a daily bases. Their getting excited about Christmas already, and they want to put up the tree as "all the shops have theirs up so why can't we" i have managed to put them off for a couple of weeks.

I'm not as together with all the present buying this year as i normally am, and I'm trying not to stress about it to much either. Aha an erratic thought i have just become a parent Governor at the girls school.

I have brain freeze trying to remember whats been happening and am now having erratic bits of information coming in in no particular order, so rather than ramble on like I'm loosing my marbles (which i probably am)i will sign off, Ciao for know darlings.

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