Thursday 23 April 2009

Holiday Hangover

Hi All, I am feeling really tired and a bit frustrated with life, and myself, at the moment, the holidays were spent cleaning and decorating the house, know that the builders are finished, also making time to do things with my brood, so that they were not stuck in the house all day and driving me to distraction.

We have had constant arguments, pushing and shoving. This has been one of the most difficult holidays for me so far. Hopefully this will be a one off! I think that mostly it is my own fault though as i was not giving them enough positive attention, i was to focused on getting everything back to "normal".

I have not had any time to myself so that’s probably one of the reasons why I am feeling a bit frustrated, it has also not given me the time to think about what my next steps are. Another reason for the frustration is that i did not get everything i had planned to do done.

It’s has been physically and mentally exhausting, now post holidays I am left feeling in a bit of a daze. Wheres my holiday?

Financially I am really feeling the pinch, it’s one of those periods through out the year, (which feels like most of the time) when everything occurs at once, birthdays, school holidays, some household item needs replacing/fixing etc etc.

Now it's back to the daily grind, starting after I have had a well earned cup of tea and half an hour of daytime TV.

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